How Crossfit Has Changed My Life

About two months ago I was brainstorming about what I wanted to pursue in life. Nutrition and fitness became the main idea. Athleticism is always something that interested me because of the self growth and competitive aspect of it. I wanted to think of an athletic endeavor that I could really excel in. I don’t have an interest in football, golf, basketball, or any other usual sport, so I thought of the athletic activities that I enjoyed the most already; running and weight lifting. I have always loved the natural high of running and the adrenaline rush of high intensity sprints. Lifting weights gives me a good sense of self because it allows me to grow and challenge my muscles. It also gives me a nice physique.

This is where crossfit popped into my mind. Its a sport that I never tried before and has always sparked my curiosity. It’s one sport that I don’t necessarily need any large amount of knowledge and training about due to its scalable entry level for newbies. Plus there is an ultimate level called the Crossfit Games that anybody is given the chance to compete in. Now that sounds exciting!

I have already been eating 80/10/10 raw vegan and was already excelling performance wise in the gym and with running. Not only was my body able to perform stronger and faster but it also had an amazing new level of stamina. Crossfit is a combination of all aspects of fitness and I truly felt I have an advantage over the norm. I am actually a rarity since I literally know only 2 people in the world that are raw vegan and do crossfit. All of the crossfit athletes that compete in the games are some variation of paleo, and from my extensive research on nutrition over the years I know my fuel source for my body is of higher quality.

Now anybody can agree that any physical movement performed in the gym can eventually be taught with enough practice. So that leaves the other part of athletic performance which is nutrition. Since I am already at an advantage of a higher premium quality fuel source for my body and muscles, I feel confidant in my ability to excel in this sport.

Finally something that truly gives me an adrenaline rush of stimulation and euphoria with just the mere thought of it. I KNOW I can claim the title Fittest Man On Earth, it’s literally just a matter of time for me.

Now I know this sounds a little over confident, but isn’t it fun to set a high goal and strive to attain it? Who cares if people think Im reaching too high, it’s my life and I want to live it the way I want. I could care less about people that want to talk me down to their insecure level of settling for “ok”. I surround myself with friends who are supportive of me, and if you don’t fit that description then feel free to stop reading this.

Every person in the crossfit games now were all beginners at one point and never expected to be in the games. If everybody never set goals and dreams that weren’t out of reach, people would never better themselves with mental growth. Crossfit is the reason I wake up at 5am to do a 6am WOD. It’s something that I feel I’m pretty good at for only doing it for 1.5 months. It grows me not only physically, but mentally. It pushes me to work through workouts even when I want to quit. My trainer is always right there watching my form and constantly gives me constructive feedback to not give up. There are times when I feel like I can continue but want to make it easier on myself by lowering the weight, and still my trainer doesn’t allow me. At the moment it really sucks but I endure it anyways.

Everything I am experiencing in crossfit is building a better me mentally in ways I never even imagined. I feel more confident now pursuing weight numbers higher than normal since I have previously done that and gotten through it. Just when I want to give up or make things easier, I am stronger to resist this now. Many areas of my life are growing because of crossfit and it’s truly amazing

Doing crossfit also forces me to be more on key with eating healthy because if I slack one night, I feel the weakness the next morning in my performance. Eating a salty vegan meal of sriracha, rice and soy may taste good at the moment, but the price tag is lethargy and a higher blood pressure.

I strive constantly to better myself in every way possible and see how far I can take my body and mind. My main passion also is to help other attain the health, happiness and body they have always wanted. Crossfit is a win win for myself and the world. Not only do I feel amazing becoming greater at something, but it helps my purpose to why I feel I am on this planet. I dream to become The Fittest Man On Earth while eating 80/10/10 raw vegan. This will present unarguable proof that this way of eating works.

People usually argue vegans are weak little skinny toothpicks because this is what they think not eating meat will do you. That is true if you eat little green salads all day and starve yourself. There are many vegans that aren’t eating correctly that give the name vegan a bad image. I want to break that image and show the world the right way. I have already built plenty of muscle on my body without a problem eating 80/10/10 raw vegan and it keeps on increasing. I want to be a beacon of inspiration to all people who see me standing on that 1st place spot. I want people to think “Hey if he can do that while being an 80/10/10 raw vegan, then I wonder what it can do for me!”

No longer will the world second guess the new health revolution that has been taking place. Vegans are excelling in all different types of sports and it’s time an 80/10/10 raw vegan stands up and gets the attention of the world in a place where only meat eaters were thought to excel. I can, I will, and already am The Fittest Man On Earth! 🙂

Guaranteed Top 10 Tips To Feeling Happier

Ever feel like life just isn’t as warm and fuzzy as it used to be? Does the eternal bliss of childhood just seem like a long lost memory? People feel this way on a daily basis and most have no idea that they have the power to change that. There are even the most simplest things you can do that will yield large results.

1. Just the mere realization that you have the power to create more happiness in your life no matter where you are in life is usually the biggest, easiest change. The feeling of relief that not all hope is lost gives you a beacon of hope towards a bright light that once was dim. The mind is the most powerful force of nature that you hold and can mold your reality in more ways than you could ever imagine.

2. Next to the power of the mind the second most important factor related to your creation of increased happiness is nutrition. This aspect of ours lives is talked about all the time yet nobody seems to be receiving the results they desire. The mainstream nutrition knowledge is based on a system to keep the American minds docile and in a constant state of disease to keep big pharma in business. Has anybody ever cured cancer following the food pyramid? It’s a complete joke and never has increased anybody’s health.

3. Not only is nutrition IMMENSLY important to achieving euphoria and a constant state of well being, the correct nutrition knowledge is the difference between feeling no difference at all and feeling as happy as you did playing with a new toy on Christmas. I could write a book on just this topic itself and you can read more about it (here). This one book alone will change your life more than anything you have ever experienced. Read the book, The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham and start an 80/10/10 raw vegan diet immediately.

4. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein. If what your doing everyday over and over is not creating happiness, what makes you think those same behaviors will yield anything else? Sometimes doing something different, ANYTHING different will create a chain reaction of events that will make you happier if you aren’t sure to start. For example, on my journey to achieve the highest level of nutrition possible I tried something different that I knew nothing about. I adopted eating raw vegan which my friend recommended and boy was I surprised. I felt happier, more energetic, had a clearer mind, glowing skin and many many many more things.

5. Stop hanging around negative people! Have you ever noticed how you feel walking around a Walmart or a fast food joint compared to being in a gym or fitness studio? The vibes people give off affect you and sometimes merely ignoring them can only do so much. Start surrounding yourself with positive people, drop the losers who suck the life out of you. You will literally be happy you did.

6. Stop worrying and complaining. Seriously just stop right now. I don’t care if somebody did something to you that pissed you off immensly or blah blah blah. It just breeds negativity, anger, frustration and all kinds of other stress. Some things you can’t directly change at the moment so why complain about it? Complaining about the rain or starving kids in Africa is pointless.

7. Start doing something you really truly love. The easiest way to tell if you truly love your job is to answer this question, if nobody was paying you to do it would you still go to your job? Most people would answer no. For myself if somebody paid me or not to go do crossfit I would do it either way regardless because I love it. As for waiting tables at a restaurant I would walk out in a heartbeat.

8. Do something for somebody. You don’t have to buy people presents or anything and sometimes just making an attempt to sit down with your lonely grandma for 15 minutes can make the difference in her world. Doesn’t it feel good knowing you created that much happiness in somebody’s life so easily?

9. Exercise! This cannot be said enough and it’s effects on the human mind are priceless. If I go a day or two without running or lifting weights I begin to not feel as mentally sharp or as positive and happy as usual. Then when I go smash it hard with the WOD (workout of the day) at my crossfit gym, it’s the best natural high that no drug could ever imitate.

10. Stop drinking alcohol. Why do so many people consume a socially acceptable drug that is a antidepressant to feel better!? The hangover that accompanies it the day next should be enough to reinforce my point here but as you know it is not. I used to drink “socially” ALOT and I can honestly say those years or my life were the most mind numbingly worst. It wasn’t until I got a grip on my self and decided I was sick and tired of feeling tired that I began to feel great on a consistent basis.

There are plenty more that I could add to this list, but these are definitely the most important. Following even just one of these tips will increase your happiness and if all ten are followed you will wish you may cry tears of happiness from the realization that life can be the amazing dream you’ve always had. =)